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Dans le Noir ?  Paris


Gastronómica, olfativa, sensorial


Clasificado entre los más originales del mundo


Inclusivo, solidario, lleno de curiosidad
Dans le noir ? mundo



Dans le Noir ? es una experiencia sensorial y humana única que te libera de la omnipresencia de las apariencias, y su peso en la construcción de tus decisiones. Al olvidar los prejuicios de las apariencias, despiertas tus otros sentidos. Esta experiencia original cambia tu percepción del gusto, del tacto, del olfato, del oído ¿Notarás la diferencia?

En Dans le Noir ? vivirás sensaciones intensas. Almorzar o cenar en uno de los famosos restaurantes Dans le Noir ? con amigos, para organizar Team Building con tu equipo, para participar en uno de nuestros talleres sensoriales o en una de las actividades en uno de nuestros Espacios sensoriales Dans le Noir ?, serás guiado y acompañado en la oscuridad absoluta por un guía singular.

Ubicados en 9 países y 14 ciudades, los equipos de Dans le Noir ?, sus restaurantes únicos, sus espacios sensoriales, les dan la bienvenida para vivir experiencias originales y sociales llenas de sensaciones.




association francaise des maitres restaurateurs
Nuestros premios



Viernes 20 Septiembre 2019

4 Octobre journée des aveugles et malvoyants. Dans le Noir ? sur le pont !

in Blog

by Super User

Chers amis de la Diversité et d’une société plus inclusive,

Le Vendredi 4 Octobre 2019 est la Journée nationale des aveugles et malvoyants. Toutes les équipes de Dans le Noir ? à Paris, Bordeaux et Nantes sont sur le pont pour vous faire vivre des expériences humaines et sensorielles uniques et vous faire mieux comprendre le quotidien des personnes aveugles et malvoyantes. Des services supplémentaires sont ouverts dans nos restaurants midi et soir et des ateliers sont organisés toute la journée.

Dans le Noir ? est un ensemble d'expériences uniques qui questionne nos sens et rend la communication plus intense et authentique. En nous plongeant dans l’obscurité absolue, pour nous faire vivre un repas, une dégustation de vin ou un atelier parfum, accompagné par un guide inattendu, en toute convivialité, Dans le Noir ? nous libère des nombreux préjugés construits par le regard et nous oblige à réévaluer nos sens abandonnés.

Une belle façon de sensibiliser positivement vos équipes, managers et collaborateurs au potentiel des personnes en situation de handicap avec un message fort et impactant.

Avec des prix extrêmement compétitifs (de 29 € à 68 € par personne), c'est toute une gamme d'expériences humaines et sensorielles qui vont vous permettre de faire avancer les choses dans le bon sens dans vos entreprises. Une bonne expérience ... vaut souvent mieux qu'un long discours !

Découvrez nos offres :

Expériences sur mesure et événements corporate

et contactez rapidement notre service commerciale :

Marine Mallette au 01 42 77 98 04

ou rendez-vous sur notre site

12288 hits

Sábado 11 Mayo 2019

Valentine's day in the dark

in Blog

by Super User

This year, valentine’s Day will be very special for the team of Dans le Noir ? Melbourne. It is the day of the Grand Opening of the restaurant in the new venue at Rydges on Swanston. We change the venue but we keep the same concept, the same team and the same unique experience. If you are looking for the best experience in Melbourne to live an unforgettable Valentine’s Day, Dans le Noir ? welcomes you from 6:45pm on February 14th.

“My Funny Valentine”

It not only romantic to eat in complete darkness, it is also a funny moment to share with your partner and use you other senses!

No candles just pitch darkness and the voice of your love along with a unique sensory, social and human experience whilst you are tasting an exquisite three or five courses menu designed by the Head Chef, Christian Oblak.

Anti-Valentine’s Day, you are welcomed too

If you are not coping with the idea of this special day, you can also come with your friends and enjoy a great moment to share all together. Obviously, the room will be surrounded by a loving atmosphere but the more the merrier as we use to say at Dans le Noir ? at Rydges on Swanston.

Couples of friends?

Why wouldn’t come with your partner and some of old friends couples? It is the best way to celebrate a very romantic journey with your loved ones. We host 12 people on each tables at the restaurant so you have the challenge to bring 5 others couples of friends.


In French we say “je t’aime, beaucoup, passionnément, à la folie … » (translation : I love you, a lot, with passion, to the moon and back) Say it with your surprise menus :

  • BEAUCOUP: 3 course meal & 3 matching beverages: $119pp
  • PASSIONNEMENT: 5 course meal & 3 matching beverages: $149pp
  • A LA FOLIE: 5 course meals & 5 matching beverages: $169pp

Finally, as a kind reminder, from the beginning of this amazing adventure, Dans le Noir ? Melbourne welcome their guests in large host tables of 12 people. Valentine’s Day is not an exception, so you will share your table with others lovely couples to live a complete experience in pitch darkness.

6536 hits

Sábado 11 Mayo 2019

Valentine's day in the dark

Viernes 10 Mayo 2019

Mother’s Day in Melbourne : lunch in the dark! A sparkling Lunch in the Dark…

in Blog

by Super User

You’ve been wanting to experience Dans le Noir ? Melbourne for so long but you were never available during our regular opening days on Thursday, Friday and Saturday? Well, take your chance we open one Sunday for lunch in May! Oh and, get your Mother maybe because … It happens to be Mother’s Day that day and this is the best way to celebrate with a lunch in the dark.

This year, on May 12, 2019 we celebrate and spoil Mummies with a unique Lunch in the Dark hosted at Dans le Noir ? restaurant located in Carlton close to the city center of Melbourne.

An original way to cherish Mum

What a great idea to say “I love you” to your Mum (or even your Mother-in-law) or your wife. Choose the lunch in the dark to experience an exquisite and original lunch guided by our incredible team of blind or vision impaired hosts.

Early-bird? You still have the option to purchase a gift voucher in advance and offer it prior the day. AMAZING!

A unique three-course surprise menu

Designed by the Executive Chef Oblak, the surprise menu will challenge your senses. Worried about allergy? No problem, we are vegan, vegetarian and pescatarian friendly. We also cater for any food allergies and dietaries. Trust us, nothing weird in the surprise menu, just a tremendous selection of flavors, textures and aromas. The fun part? You will get the chance to guess the menu at the end. The moment where you find out if you can trust your senses…

General information:

  • DATE : Sunday 12th of May 2019
  • TIME : every 30 minutes – 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30 and 14:00
  • PRICE : $99.00 for a unique package : Drink & canapés upon arrival + 3 courses meal of Chef’s surprise menu
  • RESERVATION : call the 03 9347 7811
  • Gift voucher available here

6131 hits

Miércoles 04 Abril 2018

We are Vegetarian and Vegan friendly!

in Blog

by Super User

“Seasoned vegan menu”: Meat free, dairy free and 99% Gluten Free Menu

One of our mysterious menu suits any vegan requirements. Enjoy three or five courses meals without any animal products and guaranteed cruelty free. We are flexible and adapt ourselves to your expectations, if you are vegetarian and happy with dairy products you can have the selection of cheeses. If you are vegan, we offer a nice selection of vegan chocolates.

We pay a special attention to your allergies or dietary’s requirements and we will double check your order when you come at the restaurant.

6197 hits

Miércoles 04 Abril 2018

First anniversary of Dans le Noir ? Melbourne

in Blog

by Super User

January, here we are! One year ago, we launched the amazing adventure of Dans le Noir ? Melbourne in the foodiest city of Australia. This year has been so intense, rich and powerful for everyone who has taking part of the project.

2018 : Melburnians learnt three French words, “Dans le Noir ?”

Located within The Como Melbourne Mgallery by Sofitel, Dans le Noir ? Melbourne opened on January 19th and offers since this moment a unique sensory, social and human experience to Melburnians, Australians and overseas visitors. Experienced by more than 4,500 guests over the year, the concept has been released in many local and national media such as Time Out, Urban List, Fox Fm, Herald Sun, The Age.

MAY – Brunch in the Dark

Willing on offering a new lunch experience, Dans le Noir ? organised the first edition of Brunch in the Dark at the occasion of Mothers’ Day in 2018. A sold-out event where mothers have been taken out of their comfort zone. A Mothers’ Day they will definitely remember for a very long time!

JUNE – NOVEMBER – Melbourne Awards 2018

Proud of the project, Dans le Noir ? Melbourne team has applied to the prestigious Melbourne Awards 2018, providing a high-quality application and an intriguing oral presentation to the jury. The team participated to the Melbourne Awards Gala 2018 and was proud to be awarded finalist in the category “Contribution to Community by a Corporation”. After 10 months of business it is such a huge achievement and a massive reward to all the team.


Bastille Day: Dans le Noir ? organised a special French Sensory Journey at Bastille Day Festival by plunging dozens of people in a pitch black environment with an exquisite wine and cheese tasting in collaboration with Romeo Wine.

Auction in the dark: The team was very pleased to host a special evening including an Auction in the Dark in partnership with Vision Australia to raise funds for the employment of the blind and vision impaired community.

SEPTEMBER – Dating in the Dark

Always seeking to offer patrons an original experience, Dans le Noir ? Melbourne partnered with WeClick to host the first Dating in the dark event in Australia. During a 5-tapas style menu, daters had the opportunity to meet 5 people and break the ice in a different and powerful way. In pitch darkness there is no preconception brought by vision, people have to rely on their other senses, a brand-new way to date and a good opportunity to rediscover the art of conversation and chemistry!

DECEMBER – Christmas Parties

Dans le Noir ? Melbourne has welcomed dozens of corporate groups this year for their Christmas Parties including Commonwealth Bank, GSK, HG Financial, Travel Associates, Broameadows Primary School, BF Brokers, BSGM, WEP, Bunnings, Lakeside Sport Medical Center…

2019 : New opportunities

JANUARY – FEBRUARY: After one year in South Yarra, the restaurant is moving to a new location in Melbourne! Dans le Noir ? is glad to announce its new partnership with Rydges on Swanston (701 Swanston street) and is excited to welcome more and more people in Melbourne and continue to make them live this unique sensory experience! New venue, new prices, new offers but same team and powerful experience from February 14th!

The team can’t wait to start 2019 and has already with many exciting new projects on going: Valentine’s Day, corporate events, EOFY, Good Beer Week (yes, we will be there!)…

Want to organise something with us? Let’s discuss opportunities together: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

6140 hits